Monday, March 31, 2008

Good Golly Miss Molly And Other Stupid Sayings From the Past

Have you ever met one of those people who thinks it's really funny to use old sayings. Or their phrasology is just like your sixty year old grandmother's? I'm here to let you know, it's okay to think these people are annoying, and potentially hate-able, depending on what phrases and how often they use them. I'll be honest it's more of a feminine trait. For some reason girls think it makes them seem more innocent of sweet to use old school phrases. I don't have a problem with this if you can tell that they genuinely use this language because their mother did, but if you can tell they are slipping it in there hoping for a comment, bring on the smack down. So, down with good golly Miss Molly and son of biscuit...I am putting my foot down *NO MORE LAME PHRASOLOGY*

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