Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Whatever You Do, Don't Do Meth

Recently my sister and I were driving through Colorado, a beautiful state with many wonderful attributes. As we were enjoying the scenery in the under appreciated plains of the state it came to our attention that the highways have been desecrated by "Say No to Meth" billboards. These aren't your typical "This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs" billboards either. These are very descriptive billboards that allude to the horrors of prison, prostitution, and other situations you would never expect to be in, yet that's the path that meth leads you down. It's unfortunate that these billboards distract from the landscape, but I know one thing...I'm sure not going to do meth; although, I had made that decision long, long ago so I don't know if the billboards are actually affective or just really disturbing. I'd like to interview a meth user after they've seen the campaign...are they scared straight, or do they just go back to their lives of prison, prostitution, and street walking? I feel like that question is a Lifetime movie waiting to happen and when it does, I'll be there to watch.

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