Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Powers That Be

I don't how the rest of the world feels about the upcoming election, but I am very concerned. The American Public has proven time and again that we don't have a whole lot of sense. I'm not sure that people understand the impact that this election is going to have. The only reason I say that is because Obama is still a contender. Are you aware that Obama studied under a man for almost 20 years who preaches against white people? Hello, that isn't a good sign going into things. Not to mention that nothing he says has substance. His voting record has no substance. He has gotten by on his charisma and ability to speak well in front of others. How can you vote for someone if you don't know what they believe in? This is very much the case with Obama. Please do not waste your vote...if you are that seriously against McCain, write in Svetlana Monsoon. I will take care of all midget issues that plague this country as well as making all your wildest dreams come true!

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